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Farewell DMA

As the end of senior year approaches, I want to reflect on my time spent in DMA. Digital Media Arts has truly become my outlet for creativity over the last few years. I have learned so much about myself through my art. It has grown so much since freshman year, when I took Intro, barely knowing how to use Photoshop.  DMA has allowed for a number of opportunities throughout high school, including getting to attend BPA Nationals in Anaheim, California and placing among the top ten in the nation with my teammates, having my artwork displayed at the Taft Museum, Art Academy of Cincinnati, and the senior art show, and having the opportunity to earn many awards. In DMA, I have learned important skills that are vital in my future, made new friendships, and came to terms with my creativity.
For those of you entering APDMA, I wanted to take a second and give you some advice.  DMA is what you make of it. Allow yourself to have fun being creative. As you begin to make pieces, you will find that your artwork has a voice of its own. It is inevitable that you will experience creative block- we all do- but don't let that get you down. Spend time making your pieces reflect who you are. Explore creative methods and take every opportunity to grow as an artist. 
This fall, I will be attending the University of Cincinnati. I plan on studying business at the Lindner College of Business in the Circle of Excellence Program. I do plan on continuing to create art as a hobby. Thank you to all who have made my time in DMA enjoyable!!

Check out my Website!!!

Here are a few pieces from my time in DMA!!


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