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Battlefront 2

 Battlefront 2 is a Star Wars based game featuring many of our favorite heroes. Battlefront has been out for a while I personally never took an interest until recent weeks. In my opinion, what makes Battlefront 2 so good is the graphics, I was in awe the first time I saw them. Truly the best I've seen. Not only the graphics but the game itself is very cool, it's a heavily multiplayer based game where you can fight as Jedis against the sith and vice versa. If you like video games and have been looking for a new one to try I highly recommend Battlefront 2.


  1. Battlefront 2 had a lot of tribulations before it became the game it is today. I would say the game is fun now but back then it would have been hard as hell to ever win unless you spent money. Even still to this day a majority of the player base where those who spent money to get ahead. So you be hard press to find a game that doesn't have people with all purple cards. But even still the game is entertaining and fun still. I would recommend it as well just be careful. There are a lot of tryhards in it. But the Art style and graphics are incredible so it is worth the price tag.

  2. I might have to buy Battlefront 2, it looks pretty fun and my cousin plays it.


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