31-year-old Seth Casteel is a pet photographer who has snapped surreal photos of more than 60 dogs swimming underwater and diving into pools to chase after a coveted tennis ball or squeaky toy. Casteel’s underwater dog photos were posted on the social news site Reddit.com and they became an instant viral hit. You can check out more of his work here.
This is my last blog post for my senior year, so I'd like to say that I am so glad I took DMA classes throughout high school. I've learned so much and I wouldn't be where I am today without my experiences in the classes. I will be attending the Savannah College of Art and Design this coming fall and I couldn't be more excited. I'm thinking about majoring and working in the film industry, however, I will be pursuing all and any forms of art in the future as well. From a fellow artist: take the opportunities that you are given and work hard doing what you love. The Artist Ceremony digital painting from AP DMA See my other work on my website: https://avidipasquale16.wixsite.com/myportfolio/
These are all hilarious