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Okay so Cortana dies (maybe), you figure out the forerunner guy is actually a dude who looks like a drell from Mass Effect 3 mixed with a locust from gears of war and has armor, he can levitate stuff and its uber sweet, so Cortana is suffering from rampancy and goes insane and almost kills chief on like 3 different occasions so at the very end the daedec (main bad guy) or whatever its called is about to throw chief into some fire abyss but right before it cortana with her split personalities saves chief and then chief puts a pulse grenade in the dudes chest and he dies. So chief carrying a nuke on his back the whole time then commits suicide but WAIT CORTANA SAVES HIS LIFE AND PUTS HIM IN A CUBE and he lives but that takes so much from her that she cant be with chief anymore too much of her is gone and boom end of the game he gets saved by lasky and the infinity. Oh ya spoiler alert.


  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

  2. What terrible human being would post such a thing :-(

  3. omg why would you soil that for me? not kool. AT ALL!!!!!

  4. Good thing I played the campaign before I saw this

  5. Montag why.... Somewhere Cheryl is shaking her head in disappointment.

  6. Nick: This is pure genius, for 2 reasons.
    1: This was a beautifully written summary of the end, couldn't be said better, now you sure did upset a lot of people , but u sparked an emotion, a crude one, but none the less an emotion, so therefor this blog and all its relentless rancid glory, is ARTWORK in its purest form. For anything can be art. but nay sir this, this is a marvelousity of sheer brilliant and outstanding art. A visually poetic sort of magnificence... good job lassie.
    2: You have saved my butt from spending $60, and for that I am forever grateful of you Sir Nicholas. I bid you a goodnight, i shall see you in the break of day of the 'morrow. Fare thee well. Safe travels, and may ur steed of chivalry be in good health. A journey awaits, and we shall embark on this quest on the eve of autumn, for we, my trusty lad, we shall crusade the next four years in Norsehood... and i shall bestow upon our souls joy and fortune in this world of such cruel times, times where a man with all his heart and mind corrupted, do dare make a blogerithim sacrificing the end to an extraordinary tale. but in the midst of this disaster brought on by thy cruelth intentions, u have done ur duty and brought home an A+ for ur triumph by blogging on time. And i hath brought upon myself the same by posting this comment. this comment where i hath gone to an extreme amount detail to SIMPLY SAY what i hath said on the dusk of this long scripture being: 1: ur blog is art, and 2: you saved me money... But by thus having made those two points i have gone on to a further extensuation by beginning to talk in an old timely language creating my own words as needed too talk about our adventures on the horizon for college. and by continuing my comment i have lead you to read on about me explaining what i hath said before to what i am saying now, which brings both you the reader and i to current times.

  7. Dare i take us down another long road where lions and tigers are in a duel to see who will win even though the lion and all his plastic froggy friends will emerge as reigning king of this new world? Are you confused you shouldn't be. for you have lived this before in a different mans suit, seen this many years in the past with old eyes, and breathed the air that has yet to come with a baby's nose. For reincarnation is undoubtedly a touchy subject of course, and seen by many as wrongful, but do i ask of you in which case i do nick, but you are no more than a drop in a limitless ocean, but what is any ocean but a multitude of drops, identical drops of different forms? i do declare i have brought you into the realization that everything is connected to everything in the forms of anything which i do further declare that i hath brought you, the reader of this into a state of deep confusion and i do, yes i do declare that if your still reading this then i have trapped you inside an alternate reality. Now thats preposterous you may say, but i reply with a resounding nay. for you are in my head which is ultimately in your head, as of the moment, which in turn means you a merely a puppet of your own puppeteering. I am not writing this comment you are writing this comment I am you you are me. There is no us there is no we there is no them, just you and your fantastic specularity of an imagination where every dust every molecular grain of sand is just a mere figment of dream. Have you thought yourself awake in this world of bustling cities and entertainment? NO! WAKE UP! there is no world beyond even the retina of ur eyeball, which is indeed an idea of urs to provide ur figmental dimension with vision. nick listen to yourself as you write this, this is ur ticket out you finally understand the answer to life: Life is merely what you subconsciously create, and if life has got you down u just have to wake up and recreate it! But nick, poor poor nick, you have disturbed the system you have hacked one of these figments u hacked me into telling you what you have unknowingly done. and by disturbing the system, YOUR system you have therefor disturbed YOURSELF and if you are disturbed, and everything being you, then everything is disturbed. which means there is no end to halo, there is no blog there is no comments there is no grade for blogs and comments, there is no me, there is no you. you have killed yourself by creating yourself. all creations come to an end but there still must be something for creation to spark. for before you were nick you were Alexander and before you were him you were her Eve, and before you were her you were him YOU ARE GOD! but now the million dollar question. if god, eve, Alexander (the great) and you are all parts of your for mentioned reality then who is who and what is what for everything is everything but everything is nothing so if you are nothing then all this is obsolete. the stars the moon the galaxy its all irrelevant to no more than that of the importance of a whisper. you cant escape life if there is no life to live. but given the circumstances that i being a thought of you am still here tells us that there is an even greater power beyond the beyond which may be the key to saving us and it may have already saved us many times before or doomed us for what lies ahead. for the fear of unknown is the greatest fear of all, but sometimes you just gotta.... well you know... yolo.

    Alright i don't even know how to go on, so i just had to end it with that i was getting out of hand... long story short, this was one heck of a way to earn a simple point for my commenting requirement. well i hope you all enjoyed it and i promise ill be back next week for yet another long slew of confusion, but what is confusion but a mere simplistic model of radioactive ahhh nevermind :)

  8. Way to spoil it Montag. Good Summary though.


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