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See Ya DMA!


Well, I can't believe I'm here. It's a crazy how this chapter of my life is closing. DMA has been such a wild ride. It's really been really fun and filled with laughs and victories. I've loved creating art over these past 2 years, and expanding my skills. I've created things I've never thought I'd be able too. My favorite thing I've created is probably my sustained investigation. Which was all about the fictional characters who inspired me. Here is the Black Canary piece (sometimes called Spikeball), the Leia piece, and the Scarlet Witch piece. 

Black Canary:

Princess Leia:

Scarlet Witch:

Even though I'm sad this chapter is ending, I'm very excited for my next chapter. I'm going to OU for an Acting BFA and an English BA. I'm really sad to be leaving DMA behind me, but very excited to continue on in my journey. 

See Ya Later!

Sarah Dykhuizen <3


  1. This is so sad I can remember you sitting next to me in Dma 1 trying to photoshop out something that was on your wall in the lights picture and it just wasn't working. It's so crazy that that was almost 2 years ago! I'm going to miss you!

  2. Sarah your work is amazing! I can't believe you're graduating and I'm gonna miss you so much next year!


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