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Sculptor and Printmaker, Frank Stella

Image result for frank stella artI first stumbled upon American artist, Frank Stella, when browsing the internet. Immediately, his work caught my eye - as I'm sure it does for many. The colors, shapes, and illusions of movement through rhythm and pattern are intriguing, and even more so when one learns he is 82 years of age. Pieces like his were rare at the time period in which they were created - when art pieces were being interpreted to have various underlying meanings and, at the very least, identifiable subject matter. Observers of Stella's artwork were often wonderstruck at the intricate chaos and non-formality.

Based in New York City, Stella opted to specialize in sculptor and printmaking at the beginning of his career. He excelled in both abstraction and [later] minimalism, finding pleasure in draining any external meaning or symbolism from his work. He is considered to be one of the most influential artists of a generation that moved past intricate expressionism.

Unfortunately, because of his old age, Frank Stella does not have a website or online portfolio. Most of his works can be found by simply Googling his name. Here are some of my personal favorites.

Image result for frank stella artImage result for frank stella art


  1. I love the colors and how abstract his art is.

  2. I like the contrasting color and design it looks really cool.


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