Lethal League Blaze is an indie fighting game created by TeamReptile, where the main draw of the game is the unique form of "combat" within the fighting game genre. When a match starts, an anti gravity baseball is placed in the center of the arena. This is the only way to deal damage to a player. The bulk of the combat is trying to hit it and create a chain of hits to increase the momentum of the ball, causing it to fly around the screen extremely fast. The player, however, can cancel all momentum from the ball by bunting it. I can't explain the gameplay very well because it requires a bachelor's degree in trigonometry, which I do not in fact have, but check out YakkoCMN's video about the game to learn more about it (mild language if that's an issue).
This is my last blog post for my senior year, so I'd like to say that I am so glad I took DMA classes throughout high school. I've learned so much and I wouldn't be where I am today without my experiences in the classes. I will be attending the Savannah College of Art and Design this coming fall and I couldn't be more excited. I'm thinking about majoring and working in the film industry, however, I will be pursuing all and any forms of art in the future as well. From a fellow artist: take the opportunities that you are given and work hard doing what you love. The Artist Ceremony digital painting from AP DMA See my other work on my website: https://avidipasquale16.wixsite.com/myportfolio/
I bought this game on steam for a pretty low price. It's absolutely worth it for some of the most ridiculous fun I've ever had in a fighting game.