Welp this is the end. DMA was always my favorite class because I got to do so many things with so many ideas. It let me be creative in a different kind of way then my other classes because I never knew how to really express what I was feeling. I had shields for 4+ hours every single day this year besides for a day where I was not in school for some reason... I was never as good at DMA as everyone else including some of the DMA 1 kids but I'm still happy that I took the class and I'm glad I took the AP version because even though it is an AP class it doesn't really feel like it and it's just such a fun class so if you're considering AP next year you should do it.
most of my pieces on my website are pretty garbage but my favorite one is this, I did this a little bit before we got out of school for the typogrpahy photography assignment and I smashed probably 30 cds for this. If you're interested in looking at more of my "art" here's the link to my website https://kirbylane02.wixsite.com/portfolio
most of my pieces on my website are pretty garbage but my favorite one is this, I did this a little bit before we got out of school for the typogrpahy photography assignment and I smashed probably 30 cds for this. If you're interested in looking at more of my "art" here's the link to my website https://kirbylane02.wixsite.com/portfolio
This is sad, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next Lane. I'm glad you stuck around for AP.