The cast and crew of The Goonies have reunited in a new web series called "Reunited Apart" created by Josh Gad (Olaf from Frozen, Chuck from The Angry Birds Movie, and Ludlow from Pixels). The video reunites Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Corey Feldman, Jeff Cohen, Ke Huy Quan, Kerri Green, Martha Plimpton, Robert Davi, and Joe Pantoliano. The video also brought in Steven Spielberg, writer Chris Columbus and director Richard Donner, as did Cyndi Lauper who made a cameo in the film and wrote and performed the theme song, “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough.'” In the video they asked each other some questions, reprised some of their favorite scenes from the movie, and sang “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough.'” at the end of the video. It was great to see The Goonies back together in a way. Here is a link to the video.