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This is the portrait of Bill Clinton in Monica Lewinsky's blue dress painted by Petrina Ryan-Kleid. She said that she never imagined being so controversial in america over a painting she made in school for a project. It got put on display at an art show, and there it was sold eventually making it's way to Jefferey Epstein's island. My personal reaction to this picture is to laugh, it is honestly so entertaining that there is a portrait like this out in the world. I think that it isn't very "inspirational", that mostly it serves to have people laugh over a scandal that happened during his presidential term. It serves no other purpose, is like sarcastic humor, but why I chose to blog on this is because it is so relevant and the art work is actually pretty good too. It's a well done painting. And it relates to our class because it has so much media coverage right now. It is being discussed and covered by so many media networks and so many news sites have written or filmed on this piece. Personally, this inspires me to create controversial pieces that can be laughed at, because this piece is particularly humorous. Who wouldn't laugh at this painting?
This painting is so weird. I keep on seeing it everywhere on social media...