This animation was made 2 years ago and I still love it cause even though they are just stick figures you can see the insane detail for just a few creators. Now the background on this is this animator has a some help as the two characters in the animator weren't both his as only one was. This series is called Dojo Duels as two different animators show animations of there charater facing of against the others and seeing what the community thinks and who won. This style was about of the main group called Hyun's Dojo a community full of animators primarily based around stick figures but still incredible animations.
This animation was made 2 years ago and I still love it cause even though they are just stick figures you can see the insane detail for just a few creators. Now the background on this is this animator has a some help as the two characters in the animator weren't both his as only one was. This series is called Dojo Duels as two different animators show animations of there charater facing of against the others and seeing what the community thinks and who won. This style was about of the main group called Hyun's Dojo a community full of animators primarily based around stick figures but still incredible animations.
I've seen this animation before on Instagram and it still looks cool to me, I don't know how someone/some animators can animate this well.