I'm posting yet another music video because I think music videos are extremely amazing and this one in particular is extremely amazing. This video is to the song Keeping Your Head Up by Birdy who has a beautiful voice and demonstrates it in a beautiful music video. In some of Birdy's previous music videos, she plays with a real-life Alice in Wonderland, costume, old English, glittery light aesthetic, which I love. Keeping Your Head Up is one of her newer songs and she doesn't fail to impress with this aesthetic again. She takes the glittery, back-lit lights, colors, costumes, and fantasy feel, and mixes it with amazing effects and interesting background dancers. This all results in an almost creepy, dreamlike, totally creative music video. Also, I get sometimes you can get bored watching a non-narrative music video (even though this video does have a little bit of a narrative to think about, but you get what I mean), but this one definitely keeps you watching! Highly, high...