When I saw this artists work, I thought his style was very similar to the style DMA I is learning right now using Illustrator. Max Zorn is a street artist based in Amsterdam. His primary material is tape. It was never uncommon to see colored tape on walls and streets, says Zorn. But more recently, it has been ‘conquering the streets’ as a new form of urban art. In his case, the idea to create street art with tape instead of paint came from a friend working in car design. ‘These guys often use slim tapes to outline their ideas on large boards. I was surprised to see, how fast they could create stunning sketches with it,’ he says. Tape as a street art material has the added benefits of being lightweight, easy to use, and relatively inauspicious. He got his start by decorating the old street lamps that are ubiquitous in Amsterdam. With their golden glow, they proved the perfect open gallery space for tape art experiments. Over time and with practice, Zorn learned...