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Showing posts from 2014

Stardust from Space

When I go on break I usually find myself drawing or painting something. Maybe this is because I have so much time on my hands, but while I was searching for inspiration I came across this beautiful drawing done by a woman named Alice Zhang. I like how the light is paired with geometric shapes to create the sky. I'm also a huge fan of art that incorporates people and their expressions. His face, for example, is glowing which makes the piece that much more interesting.  
  This image stuck out to me because of the variation of detail and the warm color pallet. The way the detail is all centered on her face brings attention to it, and the way the simple shoulders contrast is eye catching to me. Water color paints usually turn out most beautiful to me, and human beings are my favorite subject to see portrayed, so seeing the both of these things combined is pleasant. 

Amanda Bledsoe

          I did this as a Illustrated Portrait, then got it printed, and framed.  I think it makes a pretty solid Christmas gift. You cant really see the detail in this picture, but I wanted to include the frame because I think it's cool.

More Typography

I know there have been a lot of posts about typography lately, but I found this one on pinterest and I really like it. I love how there are only two colors used. It's really well put together and all of the lines running through the text make your eyes flow through the whole poster. It's just really well done in my opinion.


I really like this picture. I am a Libra myself so I have that in common with the picture. I really like the colors and the stars in the background. It all comes together to make a really beautiful picture.


I found these really cool monogram examples on Pinterest! On this blog, there are even more examples, you should check it out. I really like the second one (the EAJ monogram) how the letters are tall and don't take up a lot of space.
  I really like the perspective of this picture. It tricks you're eye into thinking that the girl is about to be eaten. This picture is cool because it's a great perspective but also the two guys look like their fighting over water in the desert.


This is the piece of work I did for my concentration. I used a projector and I projected a screenshot from a video game on to a person's face. For this piece I used Tetris. I really like the colors, the detail, and the contrast between the light and dark.
I choose this picture because 1) we are working on these in class, 2) I love the detail they did to his clothes
I chose to post this because I feel it fits well with what we are currently doing class and homework
  typography deadmau5, made up from letters of all sizes.
We started in Illustrator last week and this is one of the projects we did.

Skull Face

This picture really captured my attention, seeing how the hands on the face look like a skull caught my focus. But, I really enjoy that his hands don't cover his entire face and the space between his fingers are black making me wonder what is behind those hands.

Glow Art

This is a really cool video about how to work with glow in the dark paint. This picture that they take of the girl are very interesting and cool.
  We are currently learning the art and history of typography so I was doing a quick google search and heres a couple that caught my eye.  
I got this picture off of Pinterest and I thought it was interesting and very pretty because it's winter time. I like the way it kind of looks like the water is freezing as it's falling down and how white the trees are also.

Hilarious 3D modeling parody done by two people with no idea what they were doing

                           Must Watch!
This stuck out to me because it looks so real they made every detail come to life. The hair is most difficult for me and its on fleeeeeek!!!  

Beanie Season Illustrator Artwork

hey guys! since winter season is coming very soon, I thought this illustrator artwork would be perfect to share! I really love the vintage look of this "beanie" picture! I originally found this image on Mrs. Shields' Pinterest! I may or may not have turned this picture into a shrinky dink necklace ;)

Wire Sculptures

Wire sculpting is probably one of my favorite things to do. In the picture above the artist deciding to do a more simplistic version on the man; not many details but still nice.

Illustrator portrait

These are three Illustrator portraits that really stuck out to me. I really like the first one because of the color scheme. The unrealistic basis of it gives a good definition of the detail. The second really stands out to me due to the great detail in the hair. Each strand has it's own "personality" in what it is doing. I really like the third one because of the great humor. The look on the kids face gives the portrait a lot of meaning and personality.


hey guyys look at this super sweet vector face from the guy from house! check out how the artist payed attention to the detail in his beard

It's Official: Being an Industrial Designer is Pretty Sweet!

Hey guys! As my senior year draws ever closer to its end, I have to decide what I'd like to do for the rest of my life.. And what that'll probably be is studying to become an industrial designer. For those who don't really know what that is, they develop concepts and designs for manufactured products. They typically specialize in one product category, such as automobiles, furniture or housewares. They must be imaginative and persistent to communicate their ideas about new product design.  The best part is that this career has a very positive future. And here's a few interesting facts... --45% of all design patents are awarded to U.S. companies, and 32% to foreign firms. The rest are awarded mostly to individuals. -- Internationally, the top ten foreign companies ranked by number of industrial design patents are: Samsung, Sony, Foxconn, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Honda, Nokia, Toyota, Toshiba and Canon. -- Over the next few years, the NEA (national endo...
                                Hi :) In class we are creating a portrait of someone in illustrator, and as I was searching the web I found these series of portraits of famous icons from "back in the day" (From top to bottom: Bette Davis, Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth, and Audrey Hepburn). I really love how the artist used geometric shapes and watercolor to create these beautiful portraits. I also find it interesting that on the last two, the shapes seem to be revolving or shattering around the portrait.

Movie Trailers- Recreated Shot for Shot

Check out the movie trailers recreated shot-for-shot by the Digital Media Arts I classes. You can see more examples on the Digital Media Arts YouTube Channel.

Lee Brice.

Bundì! hi friends, okay so, my post today is about Lee Brice. The following photos are from his concentration. I don't know what sort of wizardry he uses but, these are oil paintings. The whole idea is women eating junk food in the bathroom. Some would take it as he making a stand that women do indeed eat junk food & others would take it as he is showing the beginning stages bulimia, but however you take it you have to notice these are AMAZING paintings. I figured I would share. If you'd like to learn more about Lee Price you can goto his website, forewarning, some of his paintings include nudity. Hope you enjoy Lee Price as much as I do! --  lee prices website.  Thanks for tuning in friends. A riviodis! -- This weeks language is friulian. <3 
I like this picture because i like frogs and i also enjoy eating oranges and this is a very unique combination of froange. it probably took a long time to be able to photoshop this picture because you had to set the light right and cut an orange accordingly.
I think this Illustrator portrait is really cool. From up close, you may not see the whole picture, but from far away it's obvious what the illustration is. The angle and the braid and curly hair allow for a delicate feel to the art, however the blocky way of composing the piece allows for a more definitive feel. I like how the artist mixed the two ways to compose this piece


I love this picture because of the intense contrast between light and dark. I adore photos of smoke because it's not something that can be controlled, but when captured, the result is beautiful.
Hey guys! I found these three pictures of hair in illustrator. I think it's really cool how detailed and real it looks. I like the complexity of each piece, down to each individual strand of hair. I really like how the artist used hair as art.   
Hey. I'm Cassidy Foley. Senior at Kings High School. Here is some nice photography with some nice text over it. It was printed and cut into nice little diamonds to make a pattern. I like that it is more than a photograph now. okay, that's all I have for you. hopefully you're doing alright. 

Get Your Mind Ready

This video is insane!! I love the way it makes you feel at the end, along with you constantly questioning what is happening throughout the entire time you are watching. I want to someday produce a video just like this.

Seeing Double, Picture Comparisons

This picture was taken by Steve McCurry. He travels the world and takes pictures, mostly of people. He has lots of interesting pictures that you and look at Here. The specific gallery that I found this picture in is Seeing Double, where he contrasts two different but similar pictures. I really love the stories behind his pictures and the different cultures shown in them.
This is a really cool video that takes real life objects and turns them into real life possibilities you can check out the youtuber's channel  Here

Venice- The Lighthouse and the Whaler

Hey guys! So I love this song and I think that the filming is beautiful, as well as the storyline even though there is no dialogue. Enjoy :) (also the font choice in the beginning is gorgeous)

Lego Arty is Incredible

Imagine the time it would take to plan this out. And if they messed up once but did not notice till later then he would have to go back and fix it which would be awful!
It's that time of year again, well almost. Christmas is approaching and Vintage Christmas paintings come to my mind. I really like the cold and warm feeling I get from this painting. The cold from the weather outside and the warmth from the lights inside and smoke billowing from the chimney. Check out  Thomas Kinkade Paintings  to see more.
I really like this because it shows a galaxy flowing from the water bottle into a glass. I really like the detail and composition of this piece as well.

Double Exposure

Double exposure is such a great way to add emotional effect to a photo. The girl is focusing on the camera at first and it captures her essence. She then looses interest and turns her head away. Such a simple idea, but very effective!

Can you tell what it is?

I love how the artist took one object and made it look like something else. I thought this was very creative!
Currently learning about the great Salvador Dali. Do a quick google search and look at all of his work and tattoos he has inspired !